Here you can find answers to our most frequently asked questions.

If you don't find the information you are looking for here please email the team at heyflo22@hotmail.com

How do I know what size menstrual cup I need?

Finding out the position of your cervix can help you choose which menstrual cup is right for you. Some women have found that they can use one menstrual cup for the duration of their period while other women find that they need two different sizes during their period.

How to find your cervix?

Step 1: wash your hands, to stop the risk of bacteria entering your body

Step 2: find a comfortable position (lying down is not recommend) standing with one leg on the toilet or bath is a good position

Step 3: use your middle finger and slide it inside. Using the middle finger rule to see who many knuckles can be inserted before touching your cervix.

(your cervix feels like the end of your nose, but a little more squishy)

Middle finger rule

Low cervix is when you are able insert your middle finger up to your first knuckle

Medium cervix is when you are able to insert your middle finger up to your second knuckle

High cervix is when you are able to insert your entire middle finger

If you have trouble locating your cervix, don’t panic, this is something that can take a few attempts, so try again in a few days. It is also good to check where your cervix is sitting while on your period as this will tell you if you need more then one cup size

If you have any concerns please contact your health care professional

How do I know what size period underwear to buy?

Please refer to size guide that is available on each item, if your still need help please email Heyflo22@hotmail.com and we will do our best to help you

How do I know what size swimwear to buy?

Please refer to the size guide that is available on each item, if your still need help please email Heyflo22@hotmail.com and we will do our best to help you

How do I care for my period underwear?

We recommend rinsing in cold water, before putting them in with your everyday washing on a cold wash cycle and hanging out to dry

Please do not put your period underwear in the dryer

How do I care for my reusable pads?

We recommend rinsing in cold water, before putting them in with your everyday washing on a cold wash cycle and hanging out to dry

Please do not put your reusable pads in the dryer

Should I wash my period underwear or reusable pads before the first wear?

Yes, we recommend you wash on a cold wash cycle

How do I care for my menstrual cup?

Boil in hot water for 5 minutes before and after every period

Wash your menstrual cup at least twice a day with fresh water

Can I use period underwear postpartum?

Please contact your midwife or healthcare professional first

Can I use period underwear for light bladder leakage?

Yes you can